Minoxidil is a anti hypertensive vasodilator medication. which slows or stop hair loss and helps in growth of new hairs.Minoxidil was first used as oral drug for high blood pressure at that time they found a interesting side effect of this treatment,they found new growth of hairs in different parts of patient who intake minoxidil regularly and this made the step to produce a topical solution for hair.
Minoxidil came into market around 1996,and in 2007 a new form based formulation minoxidil 5% was produced,which was found to be more effective but still now the mechanism of working of minoxidil has not yet been found,
Minoxidil is effective in most of the cases,Minoxidil is more effective for people who experience hair loss for less than 5 years,i.e starting stage of hair loss, and it is found more effective for people who have front head balding when compare to other balding.people who are in the starting stage of hair loss can close their eyes and go for minoxidil treatment as it is very effective and has very less side effects in most of the cases.
Regularity of the treatment is very important ,as you apply it regularly the effect is high,as prescribed by your dermatologist . When there is gap or discontinuity of the treatment you may recognize hair loss again ,
And during the first stage of the treatment i.e(first 3 months) you may experience hair loss,which means the minoxidil has started working for you,and if you cross the second stage (i.e after 6months)you will find the effect of the treatment directly ,and you may also find new hairs growing etc etc......but once you discontinue the treatment the hair which has grown by this treatment would fall off slowly(i.e if the treatment is discontinued for 3 months hair loss starts again,and if it continues the hair which has grown by help of this treatment would fall off slowly) in a period of 6 month after discontinuing the treatment you will come back to your normal form.
side effects:
The side effects found are headache, itching,itching of scalp,etc,,,no dangerous side effects seen.
i have been using this medication for 2 years and i find no side effects,and it is very very effective for front head baldness ,i am not doing any advertising or affiliate marketing here,i want to help you guys who suffer from hair loss. i have tried a lot of medication for hair but i found this minoxidil treatment effective.so i prefer you guys with 99% assurance ,go for this treatment .::::)))