Amazing mantras:
What is a mantra?
Mantra is a sound, syllable or a group of word that a capable of creating transformation in every human being there are different type and various methods of mantra, mantra is a part of Hindu tradition and also it I being practiced by various other religions groups like Buddhism, Jainism etc .
Effects of mantra;
What most people think is chanting of mantra is superstitious but it is a real therapy, it could be amazing for most of you, how could chanting a mantra can be a therapy???? Yes chanting or listing to mantra directly lowers blood pressure, normalizes brain wave pattern, hear beat, adrenalin level and even cholesterol and many researches have proved that mantra has greater influences on many hormones and parts of our human body. This is the reason why the doctors advises people who are suffering from high pressure to listen to music or mantra for few minutes daily .when a mantra I chanted in a correct way with up’s and downs it causes a vibration in our body which has the ability to cure many diseases (neuro-linguistic effect).
Gayatri Mantra:
Queen of all mantras, it is belived that a regular and correct practice of gayatri mantra can cure even diseases which cannot be cured by modern medicines, but pronunciation of words are very important.
Practice of mantras requires proper guidance so if you are interested in practicing any mantras, please get help from a ‘guru’, it is advised not to chant without guidance from a guru.
Mantra for money flow:
This mantra is for financial benefits, for great results try it out
“om brzee namaaha”
“om brzee namaha”
“om brzee namaha”
For guidance watch this video