Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Yoga specifically helps you to overcome the four natural health wreckers which is very dangerous for our health.these are
1.The gravity on you
2.Tension(conscious thinking)
4.Cosmic instability
This four villains undermine you every moment of the day,converting you inferior ,aged and even shortens your life ,but you can overcome this by practising yoga.
If you are not a regular exerciser what happens is your arms,legs they loose their muscle tone and their appearances suffer.if you are thin hug the shrunken muscles and wrinkle.if you are not thin your arms and legs form fatty lumps which disfigures them ,this makes your confident level decrease and makes you stressfull person and we can overcome these thing by regular practice of yoga,its a gift to us so please soon start practicing yoga.

1 comment:

  1. This is marvelous Information you have provided, you have covered almost entire topics to look into and really your work is amazing and inspirational as well.
    Which Are The Top 5 Yoga Asanas You can Practice At Home?
